Thursday, November 30, 2006
Can you please click I Used To Have a Beeper to check out our current ad campaign. You'll like it. Maybe you won't but if you do can you please email us an award for us to post on the site. The link will explain everything and will probably be the second best part of your day.
Today's question comes from Brian. If you want to get to know Brian a little better please scroll through the photo gallery and look for a fine look gent in at least four pictures. When I wrote something similar to this in 1934 someone ripped it off and created Where's Waldo. That's not true. According to Brian, in 2006 what company spent more money on Research and Development than any other? The stats are current through October. Please email your answer to me at
Yesterday's answer was 32.
Have a decent Thursday.
Love the madness.
Today's question comes from Brian. If you want to get to know Brian a little better please scroll through the photo gallery and look for a fine look gent in at least four pictures. When I wrote something similar to this in 1934 someone ripped it off and created Where's Waldo. That's not true. According to Brian, in 2006 what company spent more money on Research and Development than any other? The stats are current through October. Please email your answer to me at
Yesterday's answer was 32.
Have a decent Thursday.
Love the madness.
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
- I know some people ordered stuff when we made an offer for free three day shipping last week. If you placed your order strictly because we offered three day for free can you please let me know? In the business we call this a totally unprofessional survey.
- I was at a party last weekend. I spent the entire time in the corner. A friend approached me after having talked to at least seven people and said "being nice is exhausting." I like that quote but forgot to tell about it until now. Who? I mean who cares?
- The office is one big open room. Anytime someone new is hired it is announced and everyone claps. Lately it has become a more riotous welcome with whooping and standing ovations. If you saw it in person you'd like the story better.
- This is an awful Daily Remark. Not a bad time to tell someone you think I am more boring than ever.
In 1963 the MVP of the American League, National League, NFL and AFL all wore the same number. What was the number? Please email your answer to me at
Yesterday's answer was 1.
Have the best Wednesday in the history of all Wednesdays.
Love the madness.
Monday, November 27, 2006
We're trying to giveaway a free Moosejaw tee shirt on MySpace everyday. Please click My Dog May Have Fleas But I’m Ignoring It For Now Because I Find It Too Vile Too Deal With to check it out.
I saw the Borat movie yesterday. I love the show but I thought the movie was just okay. Please note, however, that no one likes me.
This is a simple bullet point for Lee. If you have been reading the Daily Remark for a couple years you may recall that Lee hid me when I was being hunted by the police back in the day and that I always thank him the Monday after Thanksgiving. Typically, we call this type of thing 'a simple bullet point.'
Wes Anderson earned an Oscar nomination for Best Original Screenplay for what movie? Please email your answer to me at
Yesterday's answer was the peregrine falcon.
Have the best Monday of your entire life.
Love the madness.
I saw the Borat movie yesterday. I love the show but I thought the movie was just okay. Please note, however, that no one likes me.
This is a simple bullet point for Lee. If you have been reading the Daily Remark for a couple years you may recall that Lee hid me when I was being hunted by the police back in the day and that I always thank him the Monday after Thanksgiving. Typically, we call this type of thing 'a simple bullet point.'
Wes Anderson earned an Oscar nomination for Best Original Screenplay for what movie? Please email your answer to me at
Yesterday's answer was the peregrine falcon.
Have the best Monday of your entire life.
Love the madness.
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Lonely Cop: Listen, I really don't have to use the can I just want to ask you, where do you get these things? [the cardboard people]
Lonely Cop: They're fantastic?
Larry Hubbard: You mean you're a...
Lonely Cop: Yeah, a lonely cop.
Larry Hubbard: A lonely cop? Aww. You get them at The Lonely Guy's store at 81st and Lex.
Lonely Cop: Do they have Gene Hackman?
Larry Hubbard: Uh, [to Warren whos in the kitchen]
Larry Hubbard: Hey Warren! Does The Lonely Guy's store have Gene Hackman?
Warren Evans: Yeah but you have to order him one week before shipping!
-The Lonely Guy
According to my people there is one animal faster than the cheetah. What is it? Today is an auto-reply day. In addition to the answer today’s auto-reply will include three quotes from animals, sort of. Please email me for the auto-reply.
Yesterday’s answer was the Funky Bunch.
Have the most incredible Sunday.
Love the Madness
Lonely Cop: They're fantastic?
Larry Hubbard: You mean you're a...
Lonely Cop: Yeah, a lonely cop.
Larry Hubbard: A lonely cop? Aww. You get them at The Lonely Guy's store at 81st and Lex.
Lonely Cop: Do they have Gene Hackman?
Larry Hubbard: Uh, [to Warren whos in the kitchen]
Larry Hubbard: Hey Warren! Does The Lonely Guy's store have Gene Hackman?
Warren Evans: Yeah but you have to order him one week before shipping!
-The Lonely Guy
According to my people there is one animal faster than the cheetah. What is it? Today is an auto-reply day. In addition to the answer today’s auto-reply will include three quotes from animals, sort of. Please email me for the auto-reply.
Yesterday’s answer was the Funky Bunch.
Have the most incredible Sunday.
Love the Madness
Saturday, November 25, 2006
- We could not have been busier yesterday. It was good fun. I dressed up like Machiavelli for the occasion. It was quite appropriate.
- I went to a friend’s party last night. Last year at the same party I broke a clock. So, this year my friend removed all the clocks. When I used to go backpacking we would make sure no one had a watch on. The only problem was that you couldn’t tell the time.
- Someone told me that Cary Elwes invented Rock, Paper, Scissors.
- My new favorite cd is Roger Waters Radio KAOS. I will likely listen to it a hundred times in a row and then never listen to it again. I will be sure to discuss it with my analyst.
What was the name of the dancers that backed up Marky Mark? Today is an auto-reply day. In addition to the answer, today’s auto-reply will include three quotes from either Entourage or New Kids on the Block. I’d say it gets no better. Please email me at for the auto-reply.
Yesterday’s answer was the Mediterranean Sea and the Gulf of Suez (which connects to the Red Sea).
Have the best Saturday of your life.
Love the madness.
Friday, November 24, 2006
I went to my first parade yesterday. Here are some brief notes.
The Suez Canal drectly connects what two bodies of water? Please email your answer to me at
Yesterday's answer was Spain.
Today is supposed to be the busiest shopping day ever. If you get something from Moosejaw something really good will probably happen to you. I don't really believe that but you should get something anyway, don't you think.
Have a phenomenal Friday. Yes… I said phenomenal.
Love the madness.
- We parked about four miles from the parade.
- I carried The Girl's nephew both ways.
- I was the only person in the city not wearing a jacket because I thought we were going to be inside.
- Kids like a parade but I cannot figure out why two adults would be there alone.
- I wonder who the people are just walking in the parade dressed normally and doing nothing. Had I just started walking near a float it wouldn't have been remotely out of place.
- I cannot recall ever having touched a turtle.
The Suez Canal drectly connects what two bodies of water? Please email your answer to me at
Yesterday's answer was Spain.
Today is supposed to be the busiest shopping day ever. If you get something from Moosejaw something really good will probably happen to you. I don't really believe that but you should get something anyway, don't you think.
Have a phenomenal Friday. Yes… I said phenomenal.
Love the madness.
Thursday, November 23, 2006
- We have a perfect new section for the site for Thanksgiving. It’s called lunch meats and it is definitely worth checking out when you need to leave the family because you’re pretending to have something important to do.
- I was going to start a new book today but I will probably just watch tv instead.
- If anyone gets a yam near my plate I’m going to pitch a fit.
Today’s question comes from Sarah via the Discovery Channel. Actually, flip that. Please note that Sarah is the same Sarah you’ll see shining Santa’s shoes in Houston’s Thanksgiving Day Parade today. I made that up. Here we go…what is the third largest country in Europe? Today is a special Thanksgiving auto-reply day. In addition to the answer, today’s auto-reply will include quotes from four people who have likely seen a goat. I know… riveting. Please email for the auto-reply.
Yesterday’s answer was President Taft.
Have the greatest Thanksgiving ever to you and your family. Please note, if your family doesn’t subscribe to the Daily Remark then just Happy Thanksgiving to you and Decent Thanksgiving to everyone else.
Love the madness.
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
- We have the best contest ever this month. Please clickI Have Fallen in Love with a Penguin Named Fik to check it out.
- Less importantly, I forgot to tell that when I was in Columbus Friday night we flagged down a waitress and ordered four shots of jager. Turned out the girl we flagged down wasn't a waitress and she just took our money. We definitely deserved it.
- I love Thanksgiving. I didn't know there was a such thing as cranberry sauce that didn't come in a can until I went to a friends for Thanksgiving when I was in college.
Who is credited for initiating the first seventh inning stretch in baseball? Please email your answer to me at
Yesterday's answer was The Woodland Plantation in Louisiana.
Have a fantastic Wednesday please.
Love the Madness
- We have the best contest ever this month. Please clickI Have Fallen in Love with a Penguin Named Fik to check it out.
- Less importantly, I forgot to tell that when I was in Columbus Friday night we flagged down a waitress and ordered four shots of jager. Turned out the girl we flagged down wasn't a waitress and she just took our money. We definitely deserved it.
- I love Thanksgiving. I didn't know there was a such thing as cranberry sauce that didn't come in a can until I went to a friends for Thanksgiving when I was in college.
Who is credited for initiating the first seventh inning stretch in baseball? Please email your answer to me at
Yesterday's answer was The Woodland Plantation in Louisiana.
Have a fantastic Wednesday please.
Love the Madness
- We have the best contest ever this month. Please click I Have Fallen in Love with a Penguin Named Fik to check it out.
- Less importantly, I forgot to tell that when I was in Columbus Friday night we flagged down a waitress and ordered four shots of jager. Turned out the girl we flagged down wasn't a waitress and she just took our money. We definitely deserved it.
- I love Thanksgiving. I didn't know there was a such thing as cranberry sauce that didn't come in a can until I went to a friends for Thanksgiving when I was in college.
Who is credited for initiating the first seventh inning stretch in baseball? Please email your answer to me at
Yesterday's answer was The Woodland Plantation in Louisiana.
Have a fantastic Wednesday please.
Love the Madness
November 22, 2006
Who is credited for initiating the first seventh inning stretch in baseball? Please email your answer to me at
Yesterday's answer was The Woodland Plantation in Louisiana.
Have a fantastic Wednesday please.
Love the Madness
- We have the best contest ever this month. Please click I Have Fallen in Love with a Penguin Named Fik to check it out.
- Less importantly, I forgot to tell that when I was in Columbus Friday night we flagged down a waitress and ordered four shots of jager. Turned out the girl we flagged down wasn't a waitress and she just took our money. We definitely deserved it.
- I love Thanksgiving. I didn't know there was a such thing as cranberry sauce that didn't come in a can until I went to a friends for Thanksgiving when I was in college.
Who is credited for initiating the first seventh inning stretch in baseball? Please email your answer to me at
Yesterday's answer was The Woodland Plantation in Louisiana.
Have a fantastic Wednesday please.
Love the Madness
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Today and tomorrow we're doing Free Three Day shipping on any order. Just choose Three Day shipping and enter coupon code 5678 when checking out and it will be Free. Three day is normally $17.95. Also, people signed up for the Daily Remark are the only people in the world getting this promotion so please feel extra special and particularly exploited. You are a person.
What estate has been featured on the Southern Comfort bottle since 1934? Please email your answer to me at
Yesterday's answer was Mongolia.
Have an okay Tuesday.
Love the madness.
What estate has been featured on the Southern Comfort bottle since 1934? Please email your answer to me at
Yesterday's answer was Mongolia.
Have an okay Tuesday.
Love the madness.
Monday, November 20, 2006
Even though Michigan lost on Saturday the game was amazing and the trip could not have been any more fun. The bar we went to Friday night was right out of Wild On on E. If you want a glimpse, click here to check out a two second video. However, please note the video is relatively inappropriate so you are checking it at your own risk or something like that.
What is the second largest country in the world bordered by exactly two other countries? The US is the largest. Please email your answer to me at
Yesterday’s answer was Whoopi Goldberg.
Have the best Monday ever.
Love the madness.
What is the second largest country in the world bordered by exactly two other countries? The US is the largest. Please email your answer to me at
Yesterday’s answer was Whoopi Goldberg.
Have the best Monday ever.
Love the madness.
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Mister Fink, they have not invented a genre of picture that Bill Mayhew has not, at one time or other, been invited to essay. Yes, I have taken my stab at the rasslin' form, as I have stabbed at so many others, and with as little success. I gather that you are a freshman here, eager for an upperclassman's counsel. However, just at the moment, I have drinking to do. Why don't you stop by my bungalow, which is number fifteen, later on this afternoon, and we will discuss rasslin' scenarios and other things lit'rary.
-WP Mayhew, Barton Fink
Who was the last lady to host the Oscars? Today is an auto-reply day. In addition to the answer, today’s auto-reply will include three quotes from Oscar hosts. Can you believe it? Please email me at for the auto-reply.
Yesterday’s answer was Fear of Words.
Have the most outstanding Sunday of your life.
Love the Madness
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Today is the first Saturday Guest Daily Remark Day since I fought my steel cage match in Manila . Would ‘match in Manila’ be considered alliteration? Please don’t answer that. Today’s remark comes from Bryan in Michigan . Bryan emailed this to me yesterday. Here we go…
One of my best friends called me a couple days ago during the Pistons’ game and wanted to tell me something important but I asked if I could call him back because it was the end of the game and who calls at the end of a game. Needless to say, I have been swamped lately and completely forgot to call him back. He just emailed me an article that was in today’s paper that announced he was expecting a baby in May and that I was the godfather. I think I should probably call him about it right now. The expecting parents are Matt and Suzanna. If you know them please tell them way to go or something like that.
What is logophobia? If you look this up online you’ll definitely get it. They said it is more fun to guess. Today is an auto-reply day. In addition to the answer, today’s auto-reply will include three quotes from people who may or may not have had logophobia. Riveting. Please email me at
Yesterday’s answer was Theodore Roosevelt. He became president when McKinley was assasinated. Kennedy was the youngest elected president.
Have an amazing Saturday.
Love the Madness
One of my best friends called me a couple days ago during the Pistons’ game and wanted to tell me something important but I asked if I could call him back because it was the end of the game and who calls at the end of a game. Needless to say, I have been swamped lately and completely forgot to call him back. He just emailed me an article that was in today’s paper that announced he was expecting a baby in May and that I was the godfather. I think I should probably call him about it right now. The expecting parents are Matt and Suzanna. If you know them please tell them way to go or something like that.
What is logophobia? If you look this up online you’ll definitely get it. They said it is more fun to guess. Today is an auto-reply day. In addition to the answer, today’s auto-reply will include three quotes from people who may or may not have had logophobia. Riveting. Please email me at
Yesterday’s answer was Theodore Roosevelt. He became president when McKinley was assasinated. Kennedy was the youngest elected president.
Have an amazing Saturday.
Love the Madness
Friday, November 17, 2006
A friend of mine got robbed last week. The police think there is someone going around pretending to be a solicitor and if he knocks on a door and no one is home he breaks in the house. I have been answering the door for all solicitors in a ninja outfit ever since. I have started carrying a sword with me at all times.
We had dinner at The Girl's parent's house last night. The Girl's mom thought she was choking on something and kept trying to cough it up. It really ruined an otherwise enjoyable dinner.
I go to Columbus tonight. From what I have heard about the way the Buck's fans treat Michigan fans my sword should come in handy. I hope I don't get beat up. Really. Can't wait for tonight and the game tomorrow.
Who was the youngest US President? Please email your answer to me at
Yesterday's answer was Theodore Roosevelt.
Have an incredible Friday please. Please.
Love the madness.
We had dinner at The Girl's parent's house last night. The Girl's mom thought she was choking on something and kept trying to cough it up. It really ruined an otherwise enjoyable dinner.
I go to Columbus tonight. From what I have heard about the way the Buck's fans treat Michigan fans my sword should come in handy. I hope I don't get beat up. Really. Can't wait for tonight and the game tomorrow.
Who was the youngest US President? Please email your answer to me at
Yesterday's answer was Theodore Roosevelt.
Have an incredible Friday please. Please.
Love the madness.
Thursday, November 16, 2006
It is the first time ever we had had two Guest Daily Remark Days in a row. I can picture folks, people and humans celebrating in the streets all over the world. Today’s remark comes from Lola who sits about three seconds away from me. Here we go…
The brand new Moosejaw Commercial has started airing on tv. If you’re not watching the commercial on tv this very second you can click here to check it out on our MySpace page.
We want everybody to be just as excited about it as we are, so we’ve decided to give a special coupon code to anyone who posts the commercial on their MySpace profile. Here’s how it works, simply drop the code in red below into your MySpace profile, email me at (be sure to include a link to your MySpace) and I’ll email you the special coupon code to get 15% off any one item. There are some exclusions so if you care please scroll down.
Here’s the code:
ALL NEW <a href="">MOOSEJAW</a> COMMERICAL - "Gear" 30 Second Spot<br>
<embed allowScriptAccess="never" allowNetworking="internal" enableJavaScript="false" src="" width="425" height="350" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="600" height="330"></embed>
The FBI started during whose Presidency? Please email your answer to me at
Yesterday’s answer was The Hague, Netherlands.
Have an amazing Thursday.
Love the madness.
The brand new Moosejaw Commercial has started airing on tv. If you’re not watching the commercial on tv this very second you can click here to check it out on our MySpace page.
We want everybody to be just as excited about it as we are, so we’ve decided to give a special coupon code to anyone who posts the commercial on their MySpace profile. Here’s how it works, simply drop the code in red below into your MySpace profile, email me at (be sure to include a link to your MySpace) and I’ll email you the special coupon code to get 15% off any one item. There are some exclusions so if you care please scroll down.
Here’s the code:
ALL NEW <a href="">MOOSEJAW</a> COMMERICAL - "Gear" 30 Second Spot<br>
<embed allowScriptAccess="never" allowNetworking="internal" enableJavaScript="false" src="" width="425" height="350" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="600" height="330"></embed>
The FBI started during whose Presidency? Please email your answer to me at
Yesterday’s answer was The Hague, Netherlands.
Have an amazing Thursday.
Love the madness.
It is the first time ever we had had two Guest Daily Remark Days in a row. I can picture folks, people and humans celebrating in the streets all over the world. Today’s remark comes from Lola who sits about three seconds away from me. Here we go…
The brand new Moosejaw Commercial has started airing on tv. If you’re not watching the commercial on tv this very second you can click here to check it out on our MySpace page.
We want everybody to be just as excited about it as we are, so we’ve decided to give a special coupon code to anyone who posts the commercial on their MySpace profile. Here’s how it works, simply drop the code in red below into your MySpace profile, email me at (be sure to include a link to your MySpace) and I’ll email you the special coupon code to get 15% off any one item. There are some exclusions so if you care please scroll down.
Here’s the code:
ALL NEW <a href="">MOOSEJAW</a> COMMERICAL - "Gear" 30 Second Spot<br>
<embed allowScriptAccess="never" allowNetworking="internal" enableJavaScript="false" src="" width="425" height="350" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="600" height="330"></embed>
The FBI started during whose Presidency? Please email your answer to me at
Yesterday’s answer was The Hague, Netherlands.
Have an amazing Thursday.
Love the madness.
The brand new Moosejaw Commercial has started airing on tv. If you’re not watching the commercial on tv this very second you can click here to check it out on our MySpace page.
We want everybody to be just as excited about it as we are, so we’ve decided to give a special coupon code to anyone who posts the commercial on their MySpace profile. Here’s how it works, simply drop the code in red below into your MySpace profile, email me at (be sure to include a link to your MySpace) and I’ll email you the special coupon code to get 15% off any one item. There are some exclusions so if you care please scroll down.
Here’s the code:
ALL NEW <a href="">MOOSEJAW</a> COMMERICAL - "Gear" 30 Second Spot<br>
<embed allowScriptAccess="never" allowNetworking="internal" enableJavaScript="false" src="" width="425" height="350" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="600" height="330"></embed>
The FBI started during whose Presidency? Please email your answer to me at
Yesterday’s answer was The Hague, Netherlands.
Have an amazing Thursday.
Love the madness.
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Today is a Guest Daily Remark Day from Murf. I usually add some random text here that wastes your time but Murf asked me not to. That's not true. I just couldn't think of anything else to say. Here we go.
Below are two recent brief conversations I've had with my mother. I find them both to be very funny. One is hard evidence that we are living in a time in which television has reached new and disturbing lows. The other is the best comeback I have ever come up with. Oh no he didn't!
Mom: What team did Emmitt Smith play for?
Me: The Dallas Cowboys.
Mom: He is some dancer.
Me: (Shake my head horizontally in disapproval and stare back at my mother)
Upon telling my mother that I was attending a beer festival with all of my friends. Several years removed from college, she does not approve of the continuation of the college lifestyle.
Mom: What are you up to this weekend?
Me: Heading to PA for a beer festival Saturday.
Mom: When's it gonna end, Ryan? When's it gonna end?
Me: I don't know, 5...6 O'Clock?
Mom: (Shakes her head horizontally in disapproval and stares back at me)
What city is home to the United Nations International Court of Justice? Please email your answer to me at
Yesterday's answer was Adele Bloch-Bauer I by Gustav Klimt for $135 million.
Three days until game day.
Have the greatest Wednesday of your life.
Love the madness.
Below are two recent brief conversations I've had with my mother. I find them both to be very funny. One is hard evidence that we are living in a time in which television has reached new and disturbing lows. The other is the best comeback I have ever come up with. Oh no he didn't!
Mom: What team did Emmitt Smith play for?
Me: The Dallas Cowboys.
Mom: He is some dancer.
Me: (Shake my head horizontally in disapproval and stare back at my mother)
Upon telling my mother that I was attending a beer festival with all of my friends. Several years removed from college, she does not approve of the continuation of the college lifestyle.
Mom: What are you up to this weekend?
Me: Heading to PA for a beer festival Saturday.
Mom: When's it gonna end, Ryan? When's it gonna end?
Me: I don't know, 5...6 O'Clock?
Mom: (Shakes her head horizontally in disapproval and stares back at me)
What city is home to the United Nations International Court of Justice? Please email your answer to me at
Yesterday's answer was Adele Bloch-Bauer I by Gustav Klimt for $135 million.
Three days until game day.
Have the greatest Wednesday of your life.
Love the madness.
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
We are trying to figure out the Moosejaw holiday party right now. Someone suggested a fake going out of business party and that is definitely getting my vote. I already have a speech and outfit planned. If you must know, I will be in a white suit with a beautiful white fedora. The song I'd like playing in the background of my speech is This Woman's Work by Maxwell. Please look it up if you is quite appropriate. My Going Out of Business speech will focus entirely on the Shift/F3 rule which is the only thing I have learned since I started working at Moosejaw.
Four days until the game. I will be there.
According to my people what is the most expensive painting ever sold? Please email your answer to me at
Yesterday's answer was Celine Dion.
Have a decent Tuesday.
Love the madness.
Four days until the game. I will be there.
According to my people what is the most expensive painting ever sold? Please email your answer to me at
Yesterday's answer was Celine Dion.
Have a decent Tuesday.
Love the madness.
Monday, November 13, 2006
I was invited to a dinner with President Bush yesterday. Someone from a Congressman's office called me and invited me. On a Sunday no less. I have absolutely no clue how they got to me and I insisted they had the wrong person. I felt like it was '52 and I was answering questions from McCarthy again. I asked if it was just me and Bush at the dinner and the caller explained that she was unsure. I asked how many other people would be at the dinner and I got another unsure. I declined the dinner mostly because I am confident it was a set up by some random Daily Remarker.
This is a boring Daily Remark. It is purposeful.they said to just take up space today.
In 2005, what artist grossed more than any other from his or her concert tour? This is one person as opposed to a band. Please email your answer to me at
Yesterday's answer was silver.
Have the best Monday ever.
Love the madness.
This is a boring Daily Remark. It is purposeful.they said to just take up space today.
In 2005, what artist grossed more than any other from his or her concert tour? This is one person as opposed to a band. Please email your answer to me at
Yesterday's answer was silver.
Have the best Monday ever.
Love the madness.
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Right there, looking into Joey's eyes, it all came back in a rush. Why I do what I do. Defending the defenseless, protecting the disenfranchised corporations that have been abandoned by their very own consumers: the logger, the sweatshop foreman, the oil driller, the land mine developer, the baby seal poacher...
-Nick Naylor, Thank You For Smoking
In 2005, the most popular color of sports car was what color? I don’t like the way I worded that. So sorry about it. Today is an auto-reply day. In addition to the answer, today’s auto-reply will include three quotes from movies that had notable cars or at least showed a car at some point. I know…riveting. Please email me at for the auto reply.
Yesterday’s answer was Helsinki.
Please have an outstanding Sunday.
Love the madness.
-Nick Naylor, Thank You For Smoking
In 2005, the most popular color of sports car was what color? I don’t like the way I worded that. So sorry about it. Today is an auto-reply day. In addition to the answer, today’s auto-reply will include three quotes from movies that had notable cars or at least showed a car at some point. I know…riveting. Please email me at for the auto reply.
Yesterday’s answer was Helsinki.
Please have an outstanding Sunday.
Love the madness.
Saturday, November 11, 2006
One of the girls at Starbucks this morning asked me my name when I ordered. Then, before I left she came from behind the counter and pretended to have to clean something and said something like ‘nice to meet you.’ Talk about wanting to french. I hope she becomes a stalker for two weeks but that nothing bad happens to me. Best day of my life so far.
What is Europe’s northernmost capital? Today is an auto-reply day. In addition to the answer, today’s auto-reply will include for quotes from people who are from Europe. Could the anticipation of this auto-reply be any more agonizing? Please email me at for the auto reply.
Yesterday’s answer was Kazakhstan.
Have the best Saturday of your life.
Love the madness.
What is Europe’s northernmost capital? Today is an auto-reply day. In addition to the answer, today’s auto-reply will include for quotes from people who are from Europe. Could the anticipation of this auto-reply be any more agonizing? Please email me at for the auto reply.
Yesterday’s answer was Kazakhstan.
Have the best Saturday of your life.
Love the madness.
Friday, November 10, 2006
I took a Zanax for the first time yesterday. I felt like a totally normal person. It was awful.
What's the largest country that begins with the letter K? Please email your answer to me at
Yesterday's answer was one… Chris Dimarco.
Have an incredible Friday.
Love the madness.
What's the largest country that begins with the letter K? Please email your answer to me at
Yesterday's answer was one… Chris Dimarco.
Have an incredible Friday.
Love the madness.
Thursday, November 09, 2006
This is important… since The Girl met with the psychic last week she has become a strong believer in fate and it has really changed my life. Anytime I do something wrong it is fate. For example, when The Girl asks me why I have to talk about what we’re having for dinner everyday at 9am I reply that it is not even in my hands. When asked why I can’t bring in the hose from the front of the house I reply that I wish I could but it just hasn’t happened yet…not even really my territory anymore. For the first time I feel less cynical and believe that random psychics really do have special powers even though I’ve never heard of one of them cashing in like Rain Man in Vegas. That’s all.
Today’s question comes from Terrence. Apparently, Terrence is the only person to answer the Daily Remark on his computer with his hands tied behind his back. He said that, not me. Really. Here we go. In the 2004 Ryder Cup how many US players had winning records? Please email your answer to me at
Yesterday’s answer was two…Richard Nixon in 1972 & in Ronald Reagan 1984.
Have the most fantastic Thursday since last Thursday.
Love the madness.
Today’s question comes from Terrence. Apparently, Terrence is the only person to answer the Daily Remark on his computer with his hands tied behind his back. He said that, not me. Really. Here we go. In the 2004 Ryder Cup how many US players had winning records? Please email your answer to me at
Yesterday’s answer was two…Richard Nixon in 1972 & in Ronald Reagan 1984.
Have the most fantastic Thursday since last Thursday.
Love the madness.
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Today's question comes from Jenn. I emailed Jenn yesterday to tell her we were using her question today and this was her reply.
Here is Jenn's question. Enjoy… How many Republican presidential candidates have won Hawaii's four electoral votes? Please email your answer to me at
Yesterday's answer was two. He was accused of killing a policeman in addition to Kennedy.
Have the most fantastic Wednesday of your life and please get some friends to sign up for the remark. 100 Moosejaw points for new subscribers is better than something worse than that.
Love the madness.
- There's a few people I would like to thank.
- Trapper at the Moosejaw Academy for finding my remark worthy of publication. You truly are my hero. I can't wait until next years softball's season.
- My father... Thanks for threatening to take away my trust fund if I didn't go to college. Because of you I now know more useless information than anyone.
- My mom... Thanks for all the times you microwaved some Campbell's chicken noodle soup for me when I was sick while everyone else's mom made them home made soup. Those suckers.
- My two older sisters... Thanks for always screwing up and getting grounded and driving the folks crazy so by the time I went through high school they just didn't have it in them to discipline me. That's called taking one for the team.
- Oh gosh, the music is playing, they are wanting me to wrap this up...
- OH... and the politicians for making my life look like Mother Teresa's.
- And my dogs, Hank and Tillie.
Here is Jenn's question. Enjoy… How many Republican presidential candidates have won Hawaii's four electoral votes? Please email your answer to me at
Yesterday's answer was two. He was accused of killing a policeman in addition to Kennedy.
Have the most fantastic Wednesday of your life and please get some friends to sign up for the remark. 100 Moosejaw points for new subscribers is better than something worse than that.
Love the madness.
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
I think Reese and Ryan's break up is really starting to hit me after the initial shock. I told The Girl last night that we should never get married. Kurt and Goldie are the only ones who seem to be able to make it work. The Girl agreed and I am positive she is going to break up with me any second. I am considering breaking up with her first just in case. Does anyone have Reese's phone number? I love you.
How many murders was Lee Harvey Oswald accused of? Sorry about ending that sentence with a preposition. No yawning and no sorries at Moosejaw. Okay. Please email your answer to me at
Yesterday's answer was Switzerland.
Have an outstanding Tuesday. Really.
Love the madness.
How many murders was Lee Harvey Oswald accused of? Sorry about ending that sentence with a preposition. No yawning and no sorries at Moosejaw. Okay. Please email your answer to me at
Yesterday's answer was Switzerland.
Have an outstanding Tuesday. Really.
Love the madness.
Monday, November 06, 2006
We're just kicking off the best advertising campaign ever. I am not supposed to talk about it until we get some more of the campaign in order but I can't help myself. Please click I Love Cats and My Jeans are too big on me to check out an ad and billboard and click I'd Like No Feta On My Salad Please to check out the commercial. If you want an explanation please scroll down.
After being barred from re-entry in the US for his political beliefs where did Charlie Chaplin live? Please email your answer to me at
Welcome to explanation city… The idea behind the campaign is that everyone is in their climbing/backpacking/mountaineering gear at all times. Remember when Malkovich walked into the restaurant in Being John Malkovich and everyone was Malkovich… something like that.
Yesterday's answer was Welton Academy.
Have the best Monday ever.
Love the madness.
After being barred from re-entry in the US for his political beliefs where did Charlie Chaplin live? Please email your answer to me at
Welcome to explanation city… The idea behind the campaign is that everyone is in their climbing/backpacking/mountaineering gear at all times. Remember when Malkovich walked into the restaurant in Being John Malkovich and everyone was Malkovich… something like that.
Yesterday's answer was Welton Academy.
Have the best Monday ever.
Love the madness.
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Andrew Largeman: You're a COP, Kenny?
Kenny: Yeah, I know!
Andrew Largeman: ...Why?
Kenny: I don't know, man. Had nothing better to do.
Kenny: People really listen to you, you know? I mean...
[suddenly pulls out gun]
Kenny: they HAVE to!
Kenny: Plus, the benefits are great, you know? If I get shot on the job, I'm like... *MMM*... rich!
-Garden State
Dead Poets Society took place at what prep school? Today is an auto-reply day. In addition to the answer, today’s auto-reply will include three Robin William quotes. I imagine someone out there is reading this and saying something like ‘hooray.’ Please email me at for the auto-reply.
Yesterday's answer was the Anaheim Angels. They used to be the California Angels.
Have the most amazing Sunday in the history of all Sundays.
Love the madness.
Saturday, November 04, 2006
Dear The Girl,
The cupcakes you made are the best thing I have ever eaten in my life. They are so good you don't even need to have them with vanilla ice cream. I think they taste better when they've been in the fridge for a bit. When I'm dying can you please make the cupcakes and bring them to me? Please refrigerate them for about a half day before serving and please bring some vanilla ice cream in case the next batch isn't as good. If you've broken up with me please don't feel like you have to do it just because I'm about to die.
What American League Baseball team had its name changed most recently? Today is an auto-reply day. In addition to the answer, today's auto-reply will include four quotes form people who live the state that is home to the answer. This is an auto-reply to really get excited about. Please email me at Trapper@moosejaw.comfor the auto-reply.
Yesterday's answer was beekeeper.
Have an incredible Saturday.
Love the madness.
The cupcakes you made are the best thing I have ever eaten in my life. They are so good you don't even need to have them with vanilla ice cream. I think they taste better when they've been in the fridge for a bit. When I'm dying can you please make the cupcakes and bring them to me? Please refrigerate them for about a half day before serving and please bring some vanilla ice cream in case the next batch isn't as good. If you've broken up with me please don't feel like you have to do it just because I'm about to die.
What American League Baseball team had its name changed most recently? Today is an auto-reply day. In addition to the answer, today's auto-reply will include four quotes form people who live the state that is home to the answer. This is an auto-reply to really get excited about. Please email me at Trapper@moosejaw.comfor the auto-reply.
Yesterday's answer was beekeeper.
Have an incredible Saturday.
Love the madness.
Friday, November 03, 2006
- I have an auto-starter in my car and I just started using it again a couple days ago. When I use it the seat heaters in the car don't work. I'm not sure if it is better to get in a cold car with heated seats or a warm car without the heated seats. I think Heated Seats was a Beatles song. Anyway, the chance I get anything fixed is less likely than me getting executed by the Jackson Daily Remark Club who threatened such action in a notable letter to the Alexandria Daily Remark Club in 1858. This would have been a nice Daily Remark to ignore.
- Practically everyone I know has seen a hamburger before.
- "Land ho." That was me typing as a pirate.
What was Sir Edmund Hillary's profession before summiting Everest? Please email your answer to me at
Yesterday's answer was a poem.
Have the best Friday of your life.
Love the madness.
Thursday, November 02, 2006
I should have invented Wikipedia instead of the Daily Remark. I can't stand myself sometimes.
I have to pick my uncle up at the airport tonight. There is nothing worse. I asked my mom if I could pay for his cab instead and she said no. My uncle reads the Daily Remark so I am hoping he is reading this now thinking it is ridiculous for me to pick him up.
Did you know that Mother Teresa wore glittery shoes?
Was the Star Spangled Banner original written as a song, poem or story? Please email your answer to me at
Yesterday's answer was three… Jimmy Carter, Woodrow Wilson and Theodore Roosevelt.
Please remember that the Daily Remark list got all messed up and no one will remember that and I am sure to be fired so please get some friends and strangers and enemies to sign up for the Daily Remark. New people to sign up get 100 Moosejaw point and together, we can make the world a worse place.
Have a decent Thursday.
Love the madness.
I have to pick my uncle up at the airport tonight. There is nothing worse. I asked my mom if I could pay for his cab instead and she said no. My uncle reads the Daily Remark so I am hoping he is reading this now thinking it is ridiculous for me to pick him up.
Did you know that Mother Teresa wore glittery shoes?
Was the Star Spangled Banner original written as a song, poem or story? Please email your answer to me at
Yesterday's answer was three… Jimmy Carter, Woodrow Wilson and Theodore Roosevelt.
Please remember that the Daily Remark list got all messed up and no one will remember that and I am sure to be fired so please get some friends and strangers and enemies to sign up for the Daily Remark. New people to sign up get 100 Moosejaw point and together, we can make the world a worse place.
Have a decent Thursday.
Love the madness.
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Everyone in the neighborhood seems to be raking their leaves and throwing them away. I think raking leaves is an urban legend or old wives tale type of thing and that the leaves eventually just disappear so I'm not going to doing any raking. In fact, raking leaves is actually bad for the environment and messes up the food cycle. Shame on you for raking.
How many US Presidents have won the Nobel Peace Prize? Please email your answer to me at
Yesterday's answer was Alaska.
Have the most outstanding Wednesday of your life.
Love the madness.
How many US Presidents have won the Nobel Peace Prize? Please email your answer to me at
Yesterday's answer was Alaska.
Have the most outstanding Wednesday of your life.
Love the madness.