Friday, November 17, 2006

A friend of mine got robbed last week. The police think there is someone going around pretending to be a solicitor and if he knocks on a door and no one is home he breaks in the house. I have been answering the door for all solicitors in a ninja outfit ever since. I have started carrying a sword with me at all times.

We had dinner at The Girl's parent's house last night. The Girl's mom thought she was choking on something and kept trying to cough it up. It really ruined an otherwise enjoyable dinner.

I go to Columbus tonight. From what I have heard about the way the Buck's fans treat Michigan fans my sword should come in handy. I hope I don't get beat up. Really. Can't wait for tonight and the game tomorrow.

Who was the youngest US President? Please email your answer to me at

Yesterday's answer was Theodore Roosevelt.

Have an incredible Friday please. Please.

Love the madness.


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