Sunday, November 19, 2006

Mister Fink, they have not invented a genre of picture that Bill Mayhew has not, at one time or other, been invited to essay. Yes, I have taken my stab at the rasslin' form, as I have stabbed at so many others, and with as little success. I gather that you are a freshman here, eager for an upperclassman's counsel. However, just at the moment, I have drinking to do. Why don't you stop by my bungalow, which is number fifteen, later on this afternoon, and we will discuss rasslin' scenarios and other things lit'rary.

-WP Mayhew, Barton Fink

Who was the last lady to host the Oscars? Today is an auto-reply day. In addition to the answer, today’s auto-reply will include three quotes from Oscar hosts. Can you believe it? Please email me at for the auto-reply.

Yesterday’s answer was Fear of Words.

Have the most outstanding Sunday of your life.

Love the Madness


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