Saturday, December 13, 2008
About ten years ago I sat next to someone on a plane who had a golf ball in his socks and he was sort of pressing the golf ball into his feet. He said it was a great stress reliever. I tried it last night and it worked pretty well and I wasn’t even on a plane. Please note, that it did nothing to get rid of any stress but it felt pretty good. Also, I’m not sure if it matters but I’m terrible at golf and no one likes me and I’m have a terrible headache mostly because I drank last night and hit the crack pipe. That’s not true about the crack pipe. It’s not even funny. I would have hit the greens if I had some though. That’s all.
When Susan B. Anthony cast her first vote in 1872 did she vote for the Republican or Democratic ticket? Today is an auto-reply day. In addition to the answer, today’s auto-reply will include one quote from a lady who is alive and one quote from a lady who is not. Please email me at for this important auto-reply.
Yesterday’s answer was The University of Washington.
Have the best Saturday of all times.
Love the madness.
When Susan B. Anthony cast her first vote in 1872 did she vote for the Republican or Democratic ticket? Today is an auto-reply day. In addition to the answer, today’s auto-reply will include one quote from a lady who is alive and one quote from a lady who is not. Please email me at for this important auto-reply.
Yesterday’s answer was The University of Washington.
Have the best Saturday of all times.
Love the madness.