Friday, October 03, 2008

This is a guest Daily Remark from Bob in Chicago. Bob is pretty tall so please take that into consideration when reading on. Here we go…

My car was just recently outfitted in the newest in haute couture (I totally just wikipedia-ed that business). I'm told it is the newest fashion and it's called a boot. I didn't really understand it, since it was on just one of the wheels... but the guy that put it there said it was all the rage in Paris this season. I knew it must have been really fancy because it was $860...

Who is credited for coming up with the ‘separation of powers’ in government? Today is an auto-reply day. In addition to the answer, today’s auto-reply will include one quote from someone with the last name Taft and another quote from a lady named Alicia. Please email me at for this important auto-reply.

Yesterday’s answer was The Allman Brothers.

Have the best rest of Friday since last Friday.

Love the madness.


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