Friday, June 27, 2008
This is another guest Daily Remark from Bob in Chicago. He’s pretty tall so you know his words will be important. Please enjoy…
How many different tasty items can all be combined together before the flavor explosion is too much to handle and the smoothie of your dreams turns into a nightmare? Apparently it's 7. I tried to make a strawberry/mango/lemonade/chocolate/banana/pineapple smoothie and it was DEEEELISH but then I made another one and added A-1 and that seventh item ruined it for some reason. can't figure out why…
The first flight in a hot air balloon took place in what country? Today is an auto-reply day. In addition to the answer, today’s auto-reply will include three things about Trapper you may not already know and this is Jack writing this and not Trapper. I can assure you that the auto-reply will be boring. Please email me at for the auto-reply.
Yesterday’s answer was four - Scalia, Thomas, Ginsberg and Roberts.
Have an okay rest of Friday.
Love the madness.
How many different tasty items can all be combined together before the flavor explosion is too much to handle and the smoothie of your dreams turns into a nightmare? Apparently it's 7. I tried to make a strawberry/mango/lemonade/chocolate/banana/pineapple smoothie and it was DEEEELISH but then I made another one and added A-1 and that seventh item ruined it for some reason. can't figure out why…
The first flight in a hot air balloon took place in what country? Today is an auto-reply day. In addition to the answer, today’s auto-reply will include three things about Trapper you may not already know and this is Jack writing this and not Trapper. I can assure you that the auto-reply will be boring. Please email me at for the auto-reply.
Yesterday’s answer was four - Scalia, Thomas, Ginsberg and Roberts.
Have an okay rest of Friday.
Love the madness.