Monday, May 19, 2008

Here’s a play about us getting rid of some stuff from our house to give to charity. It’s actually an email exchange which will likely be the way all plays are seen in the future. Also, it’s totally uninteresting.

The Girl: I called Got Junk and they’re picking up a bunch of stuff.
Me: Great. When are they coming? Can they take all the garbage too so I don’t have to take it out?
The Girl: Yes. I was going to ask.
Me: Are they coming today? Can we get someone to work full time just on the side of the house to take the garbage away real time?
The Girl: You need help.
Me: Does that mean they’re coming today? If they don’t come by sundown tomorrow it will be like all my dreams have been dashed. Why are dreams always dashed. I bet no one knows what that means. Are you working on the side of the house thing?

Who was the first person to serve as the Speaker of the House? Today is an auto-reply day. In addition to the answer, today’s auto-reply will include four quotes from Kurt Vonnegut. Please email me at for the auto-reply.

Yesterday’s answer was Arizona.

Have a pretty good Monday but not great.

Love the madness.

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