Wednesday, March 26, 2008
As you must know, the garbage at our house gets picked up on Wednesday mornings. That means I spend most of my day Wednesday dreading bringing the empty garbage’s from the street back to the side of the house when I get home. It is awful. This morning the garbage people came super early. So, before I left for work I drove my car to the street and put the empty garbage cans inside of and on top of my car and drove the empty cans from the street to the side of my house. It’s about twenty feet and I laughed to myself once about using my car while I was doing it. If a neighbor was watching they may have called some kind of social services. The garbage is now done and my day will be filled with nothing but joy. Joy and wonder maybe.
I’m forever done with talking about the garbage. Or maybe done forever. Or, maybe done until I talk about it again but that’s not going to happen for a while…maybe on my birthday.
What fictional character generates more money than any other? Please email your answer to me at
Yesterday’s answer was the Hawthorne Café.
Have the greatest Wednesday of your life please.
Love the madness.
I’m forever done with talking about the garbage. Or maybe done forever. Or, maybe done until I talk about it again but that’s not going to happen for a while…maybe on my birthday.
What fictional character generates more money than any other? Please email your answer to me at
Yesterday’s answer was the Hawthorne Café.
Have the greatest Wednesday of your life please.
Love the madness.