Saturday, February 02, 2008
Is there anything worse than leaving Starbucks with your drink, sipping it five minutes later only to realize they swapped your coffee with someone else’s and you have to suffer through the day? The answer, of course, is that there’s a lot worse. For example, what happens if someone doesn’t like you and poisons your nalgene bottle overnight? Or, you just assume that no one likes you so you won’t even drink out of the nalgene bottle that you leave on your desk overnight. Lastly, what if you’re a nice cat and everyone mistakes you for a bottle of shampoo?
In World War II which country declared war on Japan first…the US or Great Britain? Today is a really good auto-reply day. In addition to the answer, today’s auto-reply will include the color of each pen on my table at work and, as special bonus, we’ll be listing the colors of the pens on the table of the lady who sits next to me. Please email me at for this important auto-reply.
Yesterday’s answer was The Overlook Hotel.
Have a relatively decent Saturday.
Love the Madness,
In World War II which country declared war on Japan first…the US or Great Britain? Today is a really good auto-reply day. In addition to the answer, today’s auto-reply will include the color of each pen on my table at work and, as special bonus, we’ll be listing the colors of the pens on the table of the lady who sits next to me. Please email me at for this important auto-reply.
Yesterday’s answer was The Overlook Hotel.
Have a relatively decent Saturday.
Love the Madness,