Monday, February 25, 2008
According to my people, as of July, 2007 there were 301,139,947 number of people in the US. So, if you make 1,000 mad at you a day then, assuming the population doesn’t grow, it would take ten years to even make one percent of the population mad at you. Basically, we can all afford to offend more people. In light of that please enjoy the following short poem which is dedicated to Melvin and Paula…
There are so many ways to enjoy a day.
With people.
With books.
Dare I say, without people.
Let’s not spend time trying to make the present so great.
I apologize to everyone who had to read that poem…especially Melvin and Paula.
What was the name of the band in Almost Famous and name one song they sang and do it without looking it up. Or don’t. Today is an auto-reply day. In addition to the answer, today’s auto-reply will include a bit of advice as well as how many necklaces I’m wearing right now. Please email me at for this important auto-reply.
Yesterday’s answer was 2.
Have the best Monday of your life.
Love the Madness,
There are so many ways to enjoy a day.
With people.
With books.
Dare I say, without people.
Let’s not spend time trying to make the present so great.
I apologize to everyone who had to read that poem…especially Melvin and Paula.
What was the name of the band in Almost Famous and name one song they sang and do it without looking it up. Or don’t. Today is an auto-reply day. In addition to the answer, today’s auto-reply will include a bit of advice as well as how many necklaces I’m wearing right now. Please email me at for this important auto-reply.
Yesterday’s answer was 2.
Have the best Monday of your life.
Love the Madness,