Tuesday, December 04, 2007
_he lady who si_s abou_ seven sea_s from me has no _ on her keyboard. _his is _he firs_ _ime I have heard _his happening _o anyone excep_ for me. So, in honor of _he even_ I have excluded all _’s from _he remark _oday. I would normally recommend _ha_ you do _he same bu_ Groucho Marx said “I don'_ care _o belong _o a club _ha_ accep_s people like me as members” and I’m cer_ain he’s righ_. Bu_ I assume _ha_, because I _hink he’s righ_, you should probably disagree wi_h me. I_’s all abou_ being con_rarian.
Who is _he only ar_is_ _o ever refuse his or her Grammy? Please email your answer _o me a_ _rapper@moosejaw.com .
Yes_erday’s answer was China.
Have _he bes_ _uesday of your en_ire life.
Love _he madness.
Who is _he only ar_is_ _o ever refuse his or her Grammy? Please email your answer _o me a_ _rapper@moosejaw.com .
Yes_erday’s answer was China.
Have _he bes_ _uesday of your en_ire life.
Love _he madness.