Tuesday, April 03, 2007
Last night, for the second time in a row I didn’t get carded. I am definitely getting botox.
If you ever need socks now is the time to get them. Please click I don’t need any socks to check it out.
Jerry Seinfeld was recently honored as a great comedian (or something like that) on HBO. The show is boring but his acceptance speech is worth seeing. I do think he stole some material from me unless it’s libelous for me to say that. If you see the acceptance speech and recall my Daily Remark from March 24, 2005 (which is below) I think you’d agree.
March 24, 2005 - Thursday
I don’t think it would be that hard to be an actor. But if you don’t recall Pacino in the Godfather when he kills Solotso and Captain Mcclusky in the Italian restaurant you should rent the movie tonight. Bravo I say.
What was the first British film to win an Oscar? Please email your answer to me at Trapper@moosejaw.com.
Yesterday’s answer was Tony Blair in 1998. Really the answer was Tony Blair. I just threw in that 1998 part just for fun.
Have a phenomenal Tuesday but if you pass this along to someone else please spell phenomenal incorrectly.
Love the Madness
If you ever need socks now is the time to get them. Please click I don’t need any socks to check it out.
Jerry Seinfeld was recently honored as a great comedian (or something like that) on HBO. The show is boring but his acceptance speech is worth seeing. I do think he stole some material from me unless it’s libelous for me to say that. If you see the acceptance speech and recall my Daily Remark from March 24, 2005 (which is below) I think you’d agree.
March 24, 2005 - Thursday
I don’t think it would be that hard to be an actor. But if you don’t recall Pacino in the Godfather when he kills Solotso and Captain Mcclusky in the Italian restaurant you should rent the movie tonight. Bravo I say.
What was the first British film to win an Oscar? Please email your answer to me at Trapper@moosejaw.com.
Yesterday’s answer was Tony Blair in 1998. Really the answer was Tony Blair. I just threw in that 1998 part just for fun.
Have a phenomenal Tuesday but if you pass this along to someone else please spell phenomenal incorrectly.
Love the Madness