Saturday, January 20, 2007

I was on a plane last night. There was a girl sitting two seats away from me who looked to have a case of the pretties but she was wearing giant sunglasses so you really couldn’t tell. So, I wrote the following…

If you see a pretty girl on the plane wearing sunglasses the entire flight she is probably prettier than you think but you should actually hope she keeps the sunglasses on jic to keep the prettiness dream in tact. Please see the Tigers game theory from the January 8th Daily Remark for more information.

Then, later in the flight she took her sunglasses off and she looked like Michelle Pfeiffer. I need some time to think this through but my life may be changed forever. Yours might too. Okay, I’m over the whole life changing thing but it is certainly rare for any event to turn out better than the anticipation of the event. Please feel free to quote me on that even though, if you dig deep, I likely plagiarized it.

Who was the first woman inducted into the Rock n’ Roll Hall of Fame? Today is an auto-reply day. In addition to the answer, today’s auto-reply will include three quotes from people who I have never seen shower. Please email me at for this very exciting auto-reply.

Yesterday’s answer was the New York Jets.

Have a decent Saturday.

Love the madness.


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