Monday, October 16, 2006
- I had to have brunch with acquaintances yesterday.
"Hey, how's everything going?"
"Great. How are you doing?"
"Your new nose looks great."
Anyway, someone at the brunch kept whistling. It was so annoying that I actually grew to enjoy it and when he stopped I asked if he would get it going again and then we became bff's. The two of us pretty much teamed up to ruin everything. - I was at the Tigers game Saturday night. Gets no better and I can't wait for the World Series.
- Monday bullet point please. Thank you. No thank you. Thank you and it was a pleasure.
In 2005, which country spent the most on its military.Saudi Arabia, Russia or Japan? Please email your answer to me at
Yesterday's answer was A Middle English Vocabulary.
Have the best Monday ever.
Love the madness.