Saturday, October 07, 2006
- Amazing Tiger game last night. Gets no better.
- Obie Trice and 50 Cent were filming a video in the building across the street from our warehouse the past few days. We are friends with the people in the building and they asked us not to tell anyone until it was done. Now it’s done so I can speak freely. I feel like I’m back in Leningrad. At one point we were thinking about what we should bring over to Obie. The only suggestion I liked was Jack’s call for a turkey sandwich. Obie did end up coming over to our office and we gave him a Moosejaw tee shirt. I can’t wait to see him wearing it in the video. That’s all.
- Go Blue and bullet point please.
According to my people what was the first country to allow women to vote? This question actually sounds familiar to me but I could not find that I had asked it previously. It is probably familiar because I took Womens Studies at Michigan. Today is an auto-reply day. In addition to the answer the auto-reply will include three quotes from ladies. Please email me at for the auto-reply.
Yesterday's answer was No. Dracula was a prince.
Have an amazing Saturday.
Love the madness.