Thursday, August 10, 2006
- I watched the best show ever last night. It is called Dog Bites Man and it is on Comedy Central on Wednesday nights. It will change your life. No it won’t. Yes, it will. No, it won’t.
- A few years ago I had my license suspended for six months for having too many tickets.
- I went to Barnes and Noble yesterday and rode the escalator a few times. I thought it would be relaxing but it wasn’t.
- I wonder if first, second and third base are the same now as when I was trying to french girls.
- The fact that I am trying to make the Remark more R-rated is clearly an indication that I am no longer remotely interesting. It happens to everyone.
- I am supposed to fly somewhere tonight. I’ll probably drive instead. My car will for sure break down.
Excluding Alaska what US state has the lowest recorded temperature on record? Today is yet another unscheduled auto-reply day. In addition to the answer, today’s auto-reply will include a picture of my boss on the Demon Drop at Cedar Pointe. No it won’t but it should. Please email me at to enjoy auto-reply city.
Yesterday’s answer was Delta Tau Chi.
Have the greatest Thursday in the history of people and things.
Love the madness.