Saturday, July 08, 2006

I was at the coffee shop yesterday answering your emails and an acquaintance sat next to me. Does it get any worse? I would have preferred a complete stranger.
Here’s a screenplay about it...
Fade in:

Acq: Hey, how’s everything going?
Me: Terrible. You don’t want to know.
Me: I’m kidding. Everything is great. I’ve always thought about telling everyone I was terrible when they asked how I was doing but I had never really done it until now.

Fade out.

According to my people, the first bar code was used on what product? This is a tough one but it's an auto-reply day so it seems quite appropriate. In addition to the answer, today’s auto-reply will include four quotes from people who are either alive or were never on an airplane. Please email for this riveting auto-reply.

Yesterday's answer was Indonesia. Japan is second and the US is third.

Have an okay Saturday.

Love the madness.


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