Tuesday, July 11, 2006
- I had a beer in the shower for the first time since college last night. I forgot how great that was.
- I also can't remember whether I used my own soap in the shower at school or if I shared with everyone or anyone.
- Sorry for talking about me in the shower.
- The girl and I went to new restaurant last night. The restaurant was completely empty yet every time our waitress went into or came out of the kitchen she announced 'coming in' or 'coming out' as if there was so much commotion the restaurant needed traffic lights. Maybe you had to be there.
Who was the first amateur golfer to ever make the cut at the Masters? Please email your answer to me at Trapper@moosejaw.com. Your hint is to think a little bit about history today. Or, maybe I'm making that up and you should go with the obvious answer. Or maybe you should go all contrarian on me but then do you go contrarian on the contrarian?
Yesterday's answer was Kentucky. The caves are the Mammoth Caves.
Have a terrific Tuesday. Yes, terrific.
Love the madness.