Saturday, May 06, 2006
May 6, 2006
What world capitol is closest to the Hollywood sign? Please email your answer to me at Today is an auto-reply day. In addition to the answer, today’s auto-reply will include three movie quotes I like. Can we all please say hooray? Thank you.
Yesterday’s answer was Wellington, New Zealand.
Have the greatest Saturday ever.
Love the madness.
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- Almost everything in the world that is easy is not as good as something
that’s difficult. I found one exception...I use the Starbucks’ pods to make
espresso in the morning because it’s so much easier than using ground espresso.
And, the pods make great espresso too. I can’t stand this remark and I’m not
going to use the pods anymore. Yes, I am. No, I’m not. - I don’t believe in psychics. Why should they have special powers and not
me? - Remember all those characters that used to hang out at McDonalds…the
hamburgler and grimace. I wonder what happened to those fellows.
What world capitol is closest to the Hollywood sign? Please email your answer to me at Today is an auto-reply day. In addition to the answer, today’s auto-reply will include three movie quotes I like. Can we all please say hooray? Thank you.
Yesterday’s answer was Wellington, New Zealand.
Have the greatest Saturday ever.
Love the madness.
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