Saturday, May 27, 2006

May 27, 2006

This is the first guest Daily Remark. It comes from Joy. Joy was named Person Most Likely to be Awarded a Guest Daily Remark in her high school mock elections. My favorite part of the story is that I don't understand it at all. I certainly mean that as high praise. Enjoy...

My uncle had to get a new cell phone because he dropped it in wine. He and my aunt were going out to dinner with friends. He poured my aunt a glass of wine before they left. He got his cell phone wet because he always puts his cell phone in the cup holder. If you're starting to question things at this point, you're not going crazy. My aunt put her wine in the car cup holder and then he put his cell phone in the wine. Who drives around with wine in the car cup holder?!? Apparently my aunt.

Before developing ketchup Heinz had a business selling another condiment which went bust. What was that other condiment? Today is an auto-reply day. In addition to the answer today's auto-reply will include my three favorite casino games and two quotes I like by people who are not named Dave. This is surely an auto-reply to tell some friends and strangers about. Please email me at for the auto-reply.

Yesterday's answer was Columbia.

Have an okay Saturday.

Love the madness.


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