Tuesday, May 23, 2006
May 23, 2006
Thanks everyone for replying to the survey yesterday. I added so many points that the zero is faded out on my keyboard. That's not true but I did add lots of Moosejaw Reward points for everyone so please check your account and enjoy.
The winning reply was C followed by A which was a close second. So, this really opens up an entirely new world for all of us. From now on, if you have a brilliant remark that should be posted on the site please email it to me. Please make sure you include your remark, a trivia question and an answer. If I use your remark I'll add 500 Moosejaw points to your account and everyone will like you better except for the people you offend in your text. If that makes no sense please rent The Sure Thing.
On the HBO series Entourage what college did Ari go to? Please email your answer to me at Trapper@moosejaw.com for the auto-reply.
Have a good Tuesday. Not great. Just good.
Love the madness.
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Thanks everyone for replying to the survey yesterday. I added so many points that the zero is faded out on my keyboard. That's not true but I did add lots of Moosejaw Reward points for everyone so please check your account and enjoy.
The winning reply was C followed by A which was a close second. So, this really opens up an entirely new world for all of us. From now on, if you have a brilliant remark that should be posted on the site please email it to me. Please make sure you include your remark, a trivia question and an answer. If I use your remark I'll add 500 Moosejaw points to your account and everyone will like you better except for the people you offend in your text. If that makes no sense please rent The Sure Thing.
On the HBO series Entourage what college did Ari go to? Please email your answer to me at Trapper@moosejaw.com for the auto-reply.
Have a good Tuesday. Not great. Just good.
Love the madness.
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