Saturday, May 13, 2006

May 13, 2006

I saw the movie The Sentinel last night. If you saw the movie please read on. If you aren’t planning to see the movie please read on but know that you won’t care. If you are going to eventually see the movie please skip the following and go right to today’s question. Here we go…

I liked the movie but I don’t get who was framing Michael Douglas. The obvious answer is the mole or the people from Kyrgyzstan but why would either of them do that? Had the bad guys not messed with Michael Douglas their plan would have gone off just fine.

Please note that when I was in high school and we asked our English teacher a question about a book and he didn’t know the answer he would just reply with something like…."It’s just a book ladies and gentlemen. Don’t worry so much about it."

What’s the longest mountain range in the world? Today is an auto-reply day. In addition to the answer, today’s auto-reply will include two movie quotes I like and two plain old quotes I like. Could be the best day ever. Please email me at Trapper@moosejaw.comfor the auto-reply.

Yesterday’s answer was the Ukraine.

Have a decent Saturday.

Love the madness.


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