Friday, April 28, 2006
April 28, 2006
This is the most difficult question ever so I am making it multiple choice. When the Lincoln Penny first came out what was on the coin on the side opposite Lincoln….the Lincoln Memorial, Ears of Wheat, A Car or Lincoln Standing? Please email your answer to me at
Yesterday’s answer was 27.
Have the most fantastic Friday of your life.
Love the madness.
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- I thought I was the type to hold a grudge but I recently realized I only hold a grudge when it’s convenient for me. Please keep it in mind next time you are going to hate someone forever.
- Why doesn’t anyone make a hand sanitizer in a nicer bottle so you can have your Purell displayed beautifully next to your soft soap from Trader Jacques.
- We have a wall at Moosejaw dedicated to everyone’s Uncle Jim. I don’t have an Uncle Jim. I recently emailed my Uncle Allan and asked him to change his name.
- It seems there are no less than one million sesame seeds on the average sesame seed bagel. The seeds don’t end.
- Bullet point.
This is the most difficult question ever so I am making it multiple choice. When the Lincoln Penny first came out what was on the coin on the side opposite Lincoln….the Lincoln Memorial, Ears of Wheat, A Car or Lincoln Standing? Please email your answer to me at
Yesterday’s answer was 27.
Have the most fantastic Friday of your life.
Love the madness.
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