Sunday, April 23, 2006

April 23, 2006

You know that Julie chick? Loves you. You want her? Gotta play it cool, you know. You can't let her know how much you like her cause if she knows, she'll dump you like that. Believe me. Like, if she asks you if you want a ride, you say, "No, I've got my own ride, but maybe I'll see you later." Sounds stupid, doesn't it? It works.
-Dawson, Dazed and Confused

According to my people, who was known as the Empress of the Blues? Today is an auto-reply day. In addition to the answer, today's auto-reply will include an brief explanation about the answer that I am copying and pasting as well as two more quotes I like and the brand of hand sanitizer I am now using instead of Purell. Riveting.

Yesterday's answer was Wilt Chamberlain.

Have an outstanding Sunday.

Love the madness.


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