Monday, January 09, 2006

January 9, 2006

I made dinner by myself last night. I am a horrible cook but I always think I’m ready to turn the corner. Here is the short version of the story….

I thought it would be a good idea to build a fire in the fireplace and cook a piece of chicken on the open flame with a skewer. The skewer I used was too short and I couldn’t hold the chicken over the flame so I laid the chicken on a log in the fire. It seemed to be going okay but when I flipped the chicken it fell into the ashes. I still let it cook and when it looked ready I ran it under water to get all the ashes off and then put it in the toaster. It actually tasted even worse than it looked. Midway through the process I considered throwing the chicken away but I kept going just so I could finish the story for the remark today. You are prolly a little dumber for having read this. Prolly.

What US President gave the first State of the Union? Please email your answer to me at

Yesterday’s question had multiple answers but the one that made the most sense to me was that it would be too difficult to take the pizza out of the box.

Have an outstanding Monday.

Love the madness.


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