Friday, January 20, 2006

January 20, 2006

The fellow who sits next to me is a Colorado native who is obsessed with the Broncos. For the last two weeks he has worn nothing but orange and blue. He sent Jake Plummer a bunch of Moosejaw stuff and named his chair Ian Gold. He also grew a Jake Plummer mustache for the playoffs. I used to like the Broncos but now it’s more fun to like the Steelers. He sent me a remark to post on the site but I wrote this instead. No one likes me.

The following important note is from Dating Girl ( Please pass it around jic.

I had some emailing issues but they’re fixed now. Anytime I asked a question in my response or asked for an update and people replied, I never got the reply. People prolly thought I was ignoring them. It’s now fixed.

Who was the leader of the USSR right after Stalin? If you’d like the auto-reply on a rare auto-reply Friday please email your answer to me at In today’s auto-reply you’ll enjoy a poem, seeing the number 9 written out in French as well as the answer.

Yesterday’s answer was Honda and the car was the Honda Civic GX.

Have an amazing Friday.

Love the madness.


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