Monday, December 05, 2005

December 5, 2005

I am now in charge at looking at the computer that controls our phone system to see if anyone is on hold on the phones. I couldn’t figure out how to see if someone was on hold or not so I called tech support. Apparently, we have a very unique phone system and the techs couldn’t help me on the phone so they sent someone out. The tech came out yesterday afternoon (on a Sunday), pointed to my monitor to a spot on the screen that says Calls In Queue and Hold Time. Then he left.

Please note that the only downside to me making sure no one is on hold is that we have Winston Churchill’s greatest speeches as our hold music and it is really quite riveting. ssb.

What is the second most-used word in the English language (behind #1 'the')? Please email your answer to me at

Yesterday’s answer was the US.

Have the best Monday of your life.

Love the madness.


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