Wednesday, November 30, 2005

November 30, 2005

My friend Dave, who came up with the brilliant idea for the orphan reality show, wanted to clear some things up. This is from Dave:

My rationale for why the show isn’t mean is:

For 1 lucky orphan they will go to a great home. For the other 9 orphans they will get great exposure and families will want to adopt them. I feel a little bit like FDR when he rolled out the New Deal. At first it was misunderstood, but it really was bettering society.

If you have no clue what any of this means please check the archived remark from Monday. Or, just ignore everything and go about your day as if I am no part of it. However, seven people recently told me their life is better because of me. That’s not true. Typically, the better you know me the less you like me.

What is the all time biggest movie box office earner in the U.S.? Please email your answer to me at

Yesterday’s answer was four - Alaska, Arizona, Ohio and Alabama.

Have a decent Wednesday.

Love the madness.


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