Monday, October 17, 2005

October 17, 2005

The following won’t make sense unless you read yesterday’s remark so I am including yesterday’s remark and today’s. Please enjoy……..

Sunday copy:

At 5:30 this morning we got a knock on the door. Some fellow was outside our front door telling me that our sprinkler was broken and was sprouting water. Even though I wanted to open the door and go crazy for waking us up to give us this information I was positive that he was a lunatic so I just said thanks and he went away. The moral of the story, of course, is to always wear a sleeveless tee shirt in the morning so anyone telling you about your broken sprinkler at 5:30 gets scared of the muscles and runs away.


So, at about 4 yesterday we got a knock on the door and, of course, the fellow who woke us up at 5:30am was there. So, I opened the door, told the fellow to get off the porch, called him a lunatic and proceeded to berate him for knocking on our door at 5:30am. He had come over to apologize and I wasn’t very nice. Then he left. Ten minutes later I felt terrible about getting so mad. Our next door neighbor happened to be outside so I told her the story, she knew who the person was, I got his number and told him I felt bad about not being neighborly. I didn’t say sorry and I felt much better about the world.

I just re-read that story and now realize it’s pretty boring. That I am sorry about.

Who was the youngest US President at the time of his inauguration? Please email your answer to me at I only talk about young presidents now a days.

Yesterday’s answer was James Polk.

Have the best Monday ever.

Love the madness.


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