Wednesday, October 12, 2005

October 12, 2005

The most Happy Birthday ever to Josh. If you know Josh he wants hair products only!

Why doesn’t anyone wear a shower cap backpacking in the rain? You’ll never have to worry about your hair again.

I make so many errors in the Remark everyday that I have to copy four people on my email and make the following note – “All editors are always welcome. Please email Tech directly.” Tech is the person who actually puts the remark on the site and emails it to you. His real name is Tech. Who cares?

I can’t stay up until 11:30 anymore so I’m now DVR’ing the Daily Show and waking up a half hour earlier in the morning than usual to watch it. So, I think I’m going to sleep at 11 instead of 11:30 and waking up at 5:30 instead of 6. Doesn’t make a whole lot of sense.

Can you say DVR’ing instead of Tivo’ing? Please don’t answer that.

Tech – sorry about that who cares thing.

The girl – sorry I sprayed so much Clorox with bleach on the counter tops that your eyes stung when you walked in the kitchen.

Sister – still sorry about that Red Hots thing.

What adventurer became a pioneer in the frozen food industry after going on an expedition near the Arctic Circle? Please email your answer to me at

Yesterday’s answer was Maine.

Have the best Wednesday ever.

Love the madness.


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